Swiss Prosperity, Sovereignty and Independence (Schweizer Wohlstand, Souveränität und Unabhängigkeit) – the Prosperity, Sovereignty and Independence of Switzerland is our concern.

The creators of this site believe in the following:

– There is nothing inherently wrong with individual human-beings finding commonality with one another and thereby creating a community, state, and/or finally a nation.

– There is nothing inherently wrong with the resulting nation placing higher priority on the well-being of its own, before looking to the needs and/or demands of those not part of the nation.

– There is nothing inherently wrong with the nation, which is an extension of the sovereign man and woman who compose the nation, to be completely independent of any entities which are not part of the nation.

– Words such as “racism”, “xenophobia” and “discrimination” must never be used without seriously considering the true definitions of those words, and that the context in which these words are used must fit the the definitions. ( makes use of the Oxford Dictionary)

In respect to the above, our goal here is to explain in factual, and detailed fashion, what the immigration initiative of February 9th 2014 is – and what it is not.

Please feel free to share the information on this website with whomever you wish.

– SwissPSI


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